Visitor Information
Hospital Visiting Hours are: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Family support is important to the healing process. Please keep in mind the patient’s need for rest, quiet, and privacy. Because visiting can sometimes be tiring to the patient, we ask that friends and relatives follow these visitation guidelines. When not visiting patient rooms, you are invited to stay in our waiting room at the entrance of the hospital. If you have any questions, please ask the information desk. Tobacco use is not permitted anywhere on the hospital campus.
Patient Rooms
No more than two visitors are allowed at the bedside at a time.
Patients are susceptible to contagious illnesses, so persons with colds, sore throats, or other contagious illnesses should not visit.
Visitors may be asked to step out of the room during direct patient care by the physician or nurse.
For the comfort of other patients, we also ask that visitors speak quietly.
Please respect all “No Visitor” and “Isolation” signs, as these signs have been ordered by the attending physician for the patient’s benefit.
Emergency Department
When a person is in need of emergency care, it is important for the staff to be able to fully concentrate on them with no distractions. Only (1) visitor is allowed at a time in the Emergency Department. When patients are in the Emergency Department, it is imperative to minimize visitors so the staff can work as proficiently as possible. We thank you in advance for your cooperation, as it helps us provide the best care possible to our patients.
Visitors who do not follow these visitation rules may be asked to leave the premises.