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Jump Start a Heart FAQs

Why is it important that we have AEDs throughout the community?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) kills almost 1,000 people a day in the U.S. Nearly 60% of SCA victims do not receive CPR until professional help arrives and the survival rate is only 11%. For every minute that passes, a victim’s survival rate drops 10%. Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) are portable, lightweight devices that, when used along with CPR, can restore a healthy heart rhythm for a person before emergency help arrives. The more we have throughout the community, the more access we have and with that, the potential to save more lives.

If my business already has an AED how do I make sure it’s registered?

If you have an AED located on-site, whether it’s at a business, place of worship, or community organization, you must register the device. In fact, it’s the law. Plus, officially registering your AED allows the Jump Start a Heart team to record the location and provide residents an additional life-saving option should a SCA occur. Registering your AED is easy. Just contact our program coordinator, Dawn McBeth at 225-635-2446 or and she will take care of all the registration details.

Can I request an AED?

There are a limited number of AEDs initially available. However, you can purchase one for your business or organization. There are multiple options:

  • You can become a Jump Start a Heart program sponsor and receive an AED through your sponsorship package.
  • You can also purchase an AED on your own through the hospital for a discounted price.
  • For more details contact our program coordinator, Dawn McBeth, NREMT-P, WFH-EMS at 225-635-2446 or

What is the difference between a Verified Responder and a Citizen Responder?

Verified Responders are persons in the community that work for the fire department, sheriff’s office, West Feliciana Hospital and other entities. Through their job capacity, these people are trained in CPR and on the use of an AED and will form the initial group who downloads the PulsePoint Respond App to be ready to save lives. Citizen Responders are everyday community members who volunteer to download the PulsePoint Respond App. In the event of a cardiac emergency, they will be notified if they are in the vicinity where they may be able to assist until emergency responders arrive at the scene. If needed, they can be trained in CPR and use of an AED.

As a Citizen Responder, how will I know exactly what to do if I am called upon to assist with CPR and administering an AED?

After you are notified by the PulsePoint Responder App and you arrive on the scene with the AED, the device has clear audio directions along with text prompts that provide step-by-step instructions on what you should do. This video link depicts in detail exactly how the AED works. Please note that our specific Jump Start a Heart unit has an automated shock and does not require the user to press the shock button.

See Zoll Information for more details

If I am a Citizen Responder am I legally protected from being sued if I help someone?

Yes, you are legally protected and cannot be sued. Good Samaritan laws grant immunity from liability to volunteers who assist others in emergency situations, including using CPR or an AED life saving device.  Read more information on Louisiana Law through these links:

New Orleans Bar Association

How can I learn CPR?

CPR today is very easy to perform and can be learned quickly in informal settings such as community street fairs, group training sessions, take-home DVD-based courses, or even by watching brief online videos (although these types of training environments do not provide certificates of skill documentation). In addition, West Feliciana Hospital holds routine CPR training sessions throughout the year.

Check here for a list of scheduled classes  If your group or organization would like to schedule a CPR training class by West Feliciana Hospital EMS, please contact Dawn McBeth, at 225-635-2446 or

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) actually require no training to use.

Other sources for CPR Training are:

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