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Halloween Safety – Dr. Pat’s Corner

Dr. Pat's Corner
1. Halloween Safety – Dr. Pat’s Corner
2. Upcoming Time Change – Dr Pat’s Corner

Halloween is a fun holiday, but it can be scary to young children who do not yet know the difference between real and make believe. If your preschooler is in the “afraid of everything unfamiliar” stage, Halloween Carnivals can be a fun alternative to Trick or Treat that still let’s your child participate. Here are some additional Safety Tips to keep in mind this Halloween:

  • Face painting instead of masks is less scary and your child can see clearly.
  • Dress in bright colors if trick or treating at dusk or after dark.
  • A responsible adult should be in charge of each child.
  • Check your child’s candy carefully before eating, due to possibility of tampering.
  • Too much candy at one time can result in tummy aches, diarrhea or constipation.
  • Artificial coloring may result in behavior changes.

Definitely, take pictures of cute costumes and have fun!

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